Awards and Scholarship Committee

Committee Mission Statement

The Scholarship Committee shall administer awards and scholarship recognition for PAFP.


The Vice-President shall chair this committee.


To Be Determined

Current Tasks

  1. This committee will collect and evaluate submissions for Award Winners for the following at the annual conference:

    1. Sanitarian

    1. Distinguished Service Award

    2. Lab 

    3. Outgoing President

    4. Retirees

  1. Applications for each will be found on the website and a solicitation for applicants are ALWAYS OPEN and required to be submitted at least 45 days before the annual conference to be considered for that year. Those not selected may roll over from previous years. PDA Milk Specialists may be contacted to surface nominees. 

  2. Committee selection process is to be determined in the coming months as the committee grows and evolves.

  3. Scholarship awards - PAFP shall maintain the following scholarship funds awarded by The Pennsylvania State University and the PAFP group directly. 

    1. Walter S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship (Awarded by Penn State directly)

    2. Edwin M. Wagner Memorial Scholarship (Awarded by Penn State directly)

    3. Patrick Campbell Memorial Scholarship (Awarded by PAFP)

Current Positions

  1. Chair - Greyson Smith

  2. Committee Member - Open

  3. Committee Member - Open

    Please reach out if you are interested in being a part of the Membership Committee!

Next Meeting

Date and Time: TBD

Location: TBD