Looking for Innovation?

If you’re in the dairy industry and looking for ways to continue to innovate or are interested in the ways that keeping up to date with the way that other companies are doing to grow the industry, you should be subscribed to BerryOnDairy.com.

Donna Berry puts together a daily newsletter that she describes as: “It is a single dairy industry-related innovation delivered to your inbox. The email will contain one innovation that might be the missing link in a current project or one that might be the spark of a future success. Each Daily Dose is archived in a searchable database.” So you can always go back and look up past information as well!

One of the recent highlights from the Daily dose was a live webinar from February 8th called Dairy Innovation Processing Outlook. The webinar outlined the following:

  • discussion on dairy processors’ outlook for new product innovation in 2023 and beyond

  • Cypress Research surveyed dairy processing professionals in mid-2022 and the responses are exciting for the future of dairy innovation. It’s all about keeping dairy relevant!

The webinar recording can be watched through the Dairy Processing website, HERE.


Industry Resources - PA Weigher/Sampler Certifications


PDA Testing of Non-Dairy Pasteurizers